You know the saying: it takes a village. Parents, grandparents, caregivers, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors, teachers – even community coalitions like Somersworth Ready Together – all come together to help create a strong foundation for our children’s development and growth.
In today’s digital age, we are fortunate to have an abundance of resources to assist that beloved village in providing a healthy, happy childhood for our youth. However, with so many options at our fingertips, it’s often difficult to weed through all the digital noise to know which resources are actually providing reputable, sound advice.
We at Somersworth Ready Together have tried (almost) all the apps out there while navigating our own personal family dynamics and providing support to our local community members in Somersworth, New Hampshire. Keep reading for more information on our TOP THREE childhood development apps right now!
- VROOM provides science-based tips and tools to support and empower families as they set their children up for success. With research indicating that the first five years of life are critical in creating a foundation for lifelong learning, this app is targeted toward caregivers of children ages 0-5.
What we love most? The tips, information and activities recommended by this app are vetted by experts dedicated to science-based early learning. We appreciate feeling confident in our path forward as we learn from leaders in neuroscience, psychology, behavioral economics, parenting and early childhood development. - Baby Center is committed to providing helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information that is doctor approved, and evidence based. One of our favorite parts of this parenting app? In-app groups allow you to engage in conversations and connect with other moms, dads and caregivers – further extending your community of support.
- CDC’s Milestone Tracker is a highly respected app that families appreciate for the helpful tips, videos and resources offered. Track your child’s milestones from age 2 months to 5 years and receive child development tips and guidance as your family grows.
This parenting app is our go-to recommendation for families that have questions or concerns about their little one’s cognitive or physical growth since it is science-based and easy to use. Illustrated checklists make important information digestible and a little less overwhelming during a time that can feel pretty daunting!
Have a parenting app or online resource you think should be added to our arsenal of parenting tools? Let us know on Facebook!